Tuesday, January 5, 2010

skinny jeans, sex or a promotion?

Just read this short blurb (http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/women-think-fitting-into-old-jeans-is-better-than-sex-or-a-promotion-560381) about a study done by Special K in which 29% of the 2200 women surveyed said that fitting into their "trophy" jeans (jeans women have kept hoping to eventually fit into them) would be better than sex, 29% that it would be better than getting a promotion, 20% that it would be better than winning the lottery and 11% that it would be better than a marriage proposal. Interesting... _Mina


  1. How about fitting in my skinny jeans to earn a promotion then having sex to celebrate? Just a thought.

  2. I don't know who you are, but you probably don't need skinny jeans to earn a promotion. All three would be nice, though (followed by the lottery winning, of course). -Mina

  3. Personally I would take the promotion and/or marriage over fitting into the trophy jeans, but that is only because I already fit into the trophy jeans! I can imagine if I were further away from fitting into the trophy jeans vs. marriage/promotion that would be the case!
