Tuesday, April 13, 2010

[3] ... ever have someone say to you, you're too nice?

Ever have someone tell you you're too nice to them? It doesn't matter if you were being "too nice" to a boy, to a girl, to a man, to a woman, to a friend.  Ever have someone say they don't deserve your love?  Has it happened to you? 

If so - run.  Run far away in the opposite direction of the person that just said it.  If it's happened to you recently, ...  run!  That's a big [big, big] red flag - and it usually means, that recipient of your niceness and love doesn't deserve it.  A girlfriend whom I met on the eve of 2007 told me this one time as we were sitting on the floor of my living room chit-chatting away about life and love.  She said, "You know what I dislike the most, Arry?  I really dislike it when someone says You're too nice."  ...  and her words hit me hard.  It was like someone took a gong and slammed my heart against it.  I used to hear those words often.  You're too nice.  What in the word - I'm too nice!?!?!???  Why can't a person just be kind, nice, loving just because?  Ah... well, experience...

Because the undeserving person will take advantage of you.  I heard these words again in the past year - and against my better judgement I stuck around a little way too long.  It means I have to be careful of who I spend my time with, with whom I open my heart to and allow in, ...  but the idealistic romantic in me wishes I didn't have to be so careful... and that the deserving one will appreciate my gifts to them.

What do you think?

Good night,

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