Today is my dear friend Katya's very first art show - she got into photography awhile back and decided that she was going to go all in with this hobby and make it a dream: dreams of sharing her passion in galleries across the country... hell, the world~ with others! It's fantastic. She's been working so hard for it - taking night classes, framing them, etc...
Katya. Here's a woman who has a serious heart of gold. I've grown to admire, respect and value her smarts, her cutes, her zeal for bringing smiles to the world. I met her when I hit a tragic bump in my life several years back. Never met her before - and here she comes into my life an angel giving me a ride home, helping to take care of my baby Mochi, calling me to see how I'm doing, listening to my heartaches and joys, ... and being so empathetic and understanding (and nonjudgemental). See? The most wonderful people enter your life when you least expect it - and those friends that stick around despite the bumps we hit in life - they are to be treasured.
Katya. Here's a woman who has a serious heart of gold. I've grown to admire, respect and value her smarts, her cutes, her zeal for bringing smiles to the world. I met her when I hit a tragic bump in my life several years back. Never met her before - and here she comes into my life an angel giving me a ride home, helping to take care of my baby Mochi, calling me to see how I'm doing, listening to my heartaches and joys, ... and being so empathetic and understanding (and nonjudgemental). See? The most wonderful people enter your life when you least expect it - and those friends that stick around despite the bumps we hit in life - they are to be treasured.
Today, I'll be at your art show gazing thoughtfully at your photos. I'm honored and so lucky to have you as my friend. Heart!
Here are links to Katya's sites:
Go Katya!