Tuesday, May 11, 2010

[5] a lack of color

I am a ball of stress lately - and I'm probably not my best when under this much stress.  Taking a time out to calm and collect myself; tune into who I am again; ... slow down.  [Actually, side story - my younger brother stepped in tonight and asked me, "how are you feeling"?  -- This is a good question to ask your loved one every once awhile, we women appreciate it.  He listened and then he went into the manly problem solving mode - and then he went into the manly protector mode - ... and then he came back to me and gave me his honest thoughts.  He calmed me down.  I'm quite impressed - my little brother is acting like my big brother.]

Anyways - perspective.  When things get out of control - take a time out.  Thought this song was a nice one to listen to... so I thought I'd share it with you.

Good night,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

[4] like a marriage proposal?

Marriage to Me:
I totally want to be married some day - to the right man - who is honorable, respectable, and respectful.  I hope he sees me as honorable, respectable, and respectful, too.  In searching for Mr. Right - I'm super careful about who I will sign on with to be my lifetime partner.  Is he good to his family?  Is he thoughtful?  Does he open doors and have good manners?  Is he strong willed and independent?  Is he caring and does he ask me how I am?  Is he dependable?  Is he secure with himself?  Does he want kids?  Does he smell good?  :)  ... I'm so excited to enter that chapter of my life some day - totally looking forward to it.

Choosing a Business Partner(s):
When choosing a partner to go into business with - it should be taken with the same kind of gravity and seriousness as a marriage proposal.  I've literally been proposed to more than three times in the past few weeks - to go into business with people I know (flattering, really - but it's made me really think a lot about this lately).  When asked, I literally think in my head (and sometimes, my inside voice comes out and I literally say it aloud): "are you proposing to me?"  Going into business with someone is very much like marriage (minus the feelings of the romantic love and tingling excitement down my spine when I see my boyfriend/husband - for me, that's reserved for the relationship-kind-of-a-marriage. Lots of hearts and warm fuzzies spinning above my head). 

My Current Partners:
I look at my business partners today and we've had our ups and downs.  We fight sometimes, we get frustrated, we have fun, we miss each other, ...  and at the end of the day no matter what, I see them as honorable, respectable, and respectful people.  We've signed up to be partners in the business sense - and in the human-person sense.  I trust that their intentions are good for the team and our investment - you can't do it any other way.  Consider your current and potential business partners very seriously - it's serious business, like a marriage.

I welcome your comments and feedback,

Sunday, May 2, 2010

which one are you?

So which one are you?  I find that in general, most people fall into one of these four categories (Pardonez moi... I'm a big "J" as an ENTJ - things need to be put into buckets.) 

I: Don't Care + Unaware = dangerous, living in their own world of bubbles and themselves.  I have trouble taking them seriously.  Another name for these folks is "waste of space".  Stop breathing my air.

II: Care + Unaware = well intentioned with terrible (or less than good) execution.  You can't help but love them.  Endearing.

III: Care + Aware = empathetic to the world around them and moved to do something to add value.  Big hearts.  Doing something about it (it can be the problem, a project, challenge, life, whatever it is).

IV: Don't Care + Aware = pure selfish.  Will cut you off on the road, keep you waiting when your appointment was half an hour ago, the world revolves around them.  Ego issues.  I don't think we can be friends.
